The information below has been taken from the book "Letters and Genealogy of the Edgar family"
The source of the following letters and genealogical data is given herewith:
The first letter of the Secretary, James Edgar, to his nephew, as well as certain of the others, came to me in a collection of material compiled by Captain J. Lawrence Archer, who published in 1873 the best book on the Edgar family I have seen. Captain Archer's material was bound in two scrapbooks and was offered to me through Ellis, the London book dealer. The remainder of the letters between members of the family in Scotland came from Miss Fedora Edgar, New York City. Letters between members of the family of Matthias B. Edgar came into my possession on the death of my double aunt, Mrs. A. H. Goodloe (Fanny Edgar, of Lexington, Ky.), in 1925. These letters are followed by a- reprint of the genealogical collection of Rev. Cornelius Edgar, of Easton, Pa. I acquired this data also from my aunt. Where the family is carried on beyond the fifth generation, I am indebted to Miss Fedora Edgar and Mr. William S. Edgar, of New York, and Mrs. Whitney Davis, of Scranton, Pa. The data on the Canadian branch of the family beyond that included in the book of J. Lawrence Archer was furnished me by Mr. James F. Edgar, of Toronto, to whom I am greatly indebted.
The aim of collecting all this material and publishing it is to give to members of the family interested in their descent all the data that I have been able to collect. It has been an interesting and, at times, an amusing study.
In connection with all this I have become acquainted with the Edgar of Auchingrammont family portraits by Sir Henry Raeburn that have perpetuated the features of the family who are distantly related to the Keithock Edgars. As you doubtless all know, Sir Henry Raeburn married the daughter of Peter and Ann (Hay) Edgar, of Bridgelands, Peebleshire. This daughter, Ann Edgar, was at the time the widow of a Mr. James Leslie, who had left her, according to the story, quite a fortune. Raeburn, fifteen years younger than she, married her after a very short courtship, and it is evident from the pictures he painted of the family that she had great influence with him. Lady Raeburn had an uncle, who was Alexander Edgar, of Auchingrammont. Both branches of the family were related directly to the Edgars of Wedderlie, and Sir Henry Raeburn painted a series of portraits, including Lady Raeburn's first cousin, James Edgar of Auchingrammont, Alexander Edgar, Doctor Handasyde Edgar, his brothers, and two baby pictures, sons of James Edgar, of Auchingrammont, who died in infancy, i. e., James Edgar and Alexander Edgar. He painted at least two pictures of James Edgar, of Auchingrammont. One is owned by Mr. Percy R. Pyne, Long Island, New York, and the other is in the possession of a Mr. Vaughan, of Toronto, Canada. He painted at least two pictures of Alexander Edgar-one is in the collection of Lady Forbes-Leith, of Fyvie, and the other is in the picture gallery at Ghent, Holland. Raeburn's painting of Dr. Handasyde Edgar is in the possession of Baron Schroder, of London. The picture of the infant James Edgar has not been located at this writing, and the picture of the baby, Alexander Edgar, is in the possession of Mrs. James Edgar, Detroit. Of these pictures, the gem, of course, is the picture of Lady Raeburn herself, which is in the possession of Lady Louis Mountbatten.
C. G.
Detroit, Michigan
This is a copy of a letter given to James Edgar, when in Scotland in the year
1818, by Thomas Edgar, who was a grandson of a brother of the writer.
James Edgar gave it to my Father, William Edgar.
Edgarton Dec. 28th, 1839
Cornelius H. Edgar.
"Rayway 24th May 1728"
Dear Brother:
Yours of the 7th March 1727 with the plaids and stockings came in good order
safe to hand for which I return you hearty thanks. I am heartily glad of the
good account of your wife and children and of Brother David & his family of
brother Robert and his wife and of Mr. Harrie: Should likewise been heartily
glad to have heard of Brother James Wildfair but am hopeful I may in your next.
We had a son born 13th March last, lie was a sickly child from his birth to the
day of his death. He lived about four weeks, his name was Thomas. Lord help us
to a suitable improvement of all his dealings towards us. Blessed be God, my
wife, three sons and daughter are in good health. Dear Brother you wrote you
should be glad to see me and I sincerely say that I should be heartily glad to
have the comfort to see You, but a circumstances is with me I see no
probability of it. But could I get my wife willing and if you were desirous I
would willing send my oldest son David that he might get a little more learning
than we can procure for him in this country, if it please God to spare him to
the 2nd October next he will be eight years old. Blessed be God my children are
likely to prove far better proficients in learning, (had I the means of
bestowing it upon them, than ever I was which is a great comfort to me. I desire
to be kindly remembered to Brother James when you write him, to brother Mr.
Harrie, and your Father. Mr. Skinner, the clerk of Montrose and his family, Mr.
Gewthey and Mr. Reunold and all other our friends. I desire you would sent me an
account of my age in your next. My wife and I gives our hearty love and good
wishes to you, and sister, your wife, and children. I ever am
Dear Brother
Your most affectionate and obliged brother,
Thomas Edgar
Copy of an old letter written in
Scotland to David Edgar oldest son of Thomas Edgar.
Dear Cousin:
We have received two letters from my uncle and you the last by the bearer Capt.
Wallis. I am heartily glad to hear that your Father, my Aunt, and family are all
well and congratulate you on your marriage, and your young daughter, but we are
all much surprised that you have not been more particular in the account of your
marriage. Should be glad you'll tell us in your next, your wife's name, her
family, and your Daughter. I hope you'll miss no opportunity of writing, that we
may keep up the correspondence, and altho we can hardly expect to see you soon
here, yet I hope you'll persuade some of your Brothers to take a trip over the
waters. All my friends here are well. Shall trouble you with no more but offer
my compliments and best wishes to my Uncle & Aunt & Cousins, I am-
Dear David
Your most affectionate Cousin,
and most humble servant,
John Edgar.
Keithock April 4th 1745.
I desire you'll recommend my particularly to your young wife.
Montrose, December 18th, 1750.
Dear Cousin:
I was glad to hear of your being well and your family by Captain Campbell my
ould aquatings. I arrived from Lisbon four or five days ago. I was in 1748
master of my Uncle's ship in Virginia, where I have bin four voges but could
never have the opportunity of being to the Northward to see you. I shall be glad
to keep a correspondence with you by all opportunity. Give my Serv. to your wife
and children.
Dear Cousin your affectionate and humble servant
Robert Edgar, Jun.
To Mr. David Edgar at Rahway, Near New York.
by Captain Campbell.
Montrose, June 13th, 1751
Dear Brother:-
I wrote you December last by Cap. Campbell as I hear he is married at Rhode
Island, make no doubt of its being come to your hands and now brother Harie and
I take this opportunity of writing by Alexander Davidson who has for several
years belonged to your Custom House here, and is going with his family to live
in Long Island. His wife and lie are both discreet quiet folks, as it is not a
great distance f rom you, if it falls in your way to assist them in your advice
or other ways; should be glad and am positive you'll find them Homest and
Gratefull. I wrote to brother Sanders, acquainting him of the opportunity, but
as yet have not had his answer. He is so weak that it is a Great Trouble for him
to write. His daughters and Mr. David Audick & Mrs. are weal. Her son Robert is
but Master of my vessel to Riga. I had a letter lately from John Edgar with the
enclosed to your son David. My young folks are weal and join in our affectionate
Compliments & best wishes to Sister & all our young friends both children. and
grand children-am Dear Thomas
Your werie affec. Brother,
Robert Edgar.
To Mr. Thomas Edgar Rahway near New York.
To Mr. David Edgar.
Dear Nephew:
I have wrote your Father of this date, on the melancholy occa- of your
Uncle Roberts death, and resolved the rather not you, that I have hopes from a
stated correspondence with you, to have from America fuller accounts of the
welfare of all friends with you, than your Father's age and weakness of his eyes
will perhaps allow him to give, or the disadvantage of want of acquaintance with
your Brothers & Sisters, leave me room to expect from them. This will at all
times be very agreeable but particularly seasonable relief, if you do it soon
and continue frequently Next to the religious improvement, of the loss we
sustain by the death of friends, I know of no better use to be made of such
afflictive dispensations; than to turn them into motives, of tying the knot of
affection closer among those that survive. To engage you the more & others I
will begin to relieve you from the mournful subject, of this; & that to your
Father of better accounts of our friends still left on this side. Robert's
family are as well as can be expected and tho not left in affluent
circumstances, the funds they have, will I hope afford, by right management, a
comfortable competence. His son is upon his essay voyage at Sea, and promises to
turn out a virtuous well improved young man. I saw our friends at Keithock and
thereabouts last week & were very well and your Uncle there, tho extremely weak,
was good health as he has been these many years. Our other friends in the
country are for anything I have seen or heard all in their customary health; and
by very late accounts I have of your Cousin John, who is expected home in the
Autumn, he and his Uncle James are very well. By causing this convey my best
respects and kindest wishes to your Family, and that of your Brother and Sisters
as of all particularly named, you will sensibly oblige. Dear David,
Your most affectionate Uncle & Servant
Harie Edgar.
Aberbrothock-May 9th 1754
Mr. James Edgar was a younger son of
David Edgar of Keithock by his wife Katharine Forrester, and was born at
Keithock on July 13, 1688. He was secretary to the Chevalier St. George, also
called the Old Pretender and by the Scotch James the Third and Ninth for a
period of fifty years, following him through his life in France to Rome, where
he lived at Albano. Mr. Edgar used the name James Guthry in signing his letters,
and his assistant, Mr. Andrew Lumsden, used the name of A. Bruce. The John Edgar
in this correspondence is the secretary's favorite nephew, also a staunch
Jacobite. Secretary Edgar died on September 24, 1764, at Rome.
Mr. John Edgar escaped from Scotland after the rebellion of 1745 and went into
the French service, being in Lord Ogilvy's regiment of the Scotch Brigade, with
many others from Forfarshire. He returned home after the Act of Indemnity in
1756, and the accompanying is a letter to him from his uncle, the secretary.
March 12th, 1755
Mr. Harie Edgar
I received, my dear Cousin, last October your letter of the 27th May, which gave
me I assure you the greatest pleasure, tho I must tell you at the same time that
I partake with you very sensibly in your uneasiness that our correspondence is
not more regular and frequent, But as I find our letters by the post do always
miscarry I cannot think of writing more home by that conveyance. I shall however
profit of every occasion that offers, as I do of the present one, to write to
you, and you cannot do me a more sensible satisfaction than to let me hear from
you as often as you can. What you tell me of my Brother Sanders and his Family
is most agreeable to me, I take the greatest share in every thing that happens
to them and I long much to be in a condition to give him and his proofs of it,
which please inform him of, with my kindest remembrances and most affectionate
concern for him, my sister, and his Family. The melancholy accounts of Mr.
David's death affected me very much, I am heartily sorry for his untimely end,
and that I am not able at present to give his Family any assistance, which
whenever I am I shall do with the greatest pleasure. I thank you kindly for what
you tell me of my sister Iean's daughters. Pray when you see my old friend Fin-ry
let him know the pleasure I share with him in his eldest daughter's marriage and
in everything else that is for his and his Family's advantage, and assure him at
the same time of my kindest remembrance and compliments. Let all my friends in
general find here the assurance of my best wishes and humble service, and in
particular Mrs. Dall and her brother for both whom I retain a most sincere
kindness. Let my friends at Edinburgh Peggy and her husband know my kind
remembrances of them, and the sincere part I shall always take in everything
that relates to them. As for myself, I have writt upon that article to my Cousin
Rob, so I refer you to it, I shall only add here upon that subject, that the
change of climates has made no alteration upon me as to the Religion I was bred
up in. My best wishes, my dear Harie attend you in warmest affectionate & real
manner. May God send us soon a merry meeting, and do me always the justice to be
persuaded of the tender concern and affection I have for you & of my being.
Your most affectionate cousin and most humble servant
James Guthry
(James Edgar, See. Ch. St. Geo. James III and M)
Albano, May 25th, 1756
I received last week, my dear John, yours of the 28th April. I have red it over
and over, and as the contents of it affect me in the the most sensible manner
and as what relates to you lyes so near my heart, I cannot but write this to you
without delay in answer to it. If this new Act of Parliament be in such terms as
you mention, I can not advise you not to give up your commission and to go home,
since your worthy Father's very advanced age, & the just concern you have for
your paternal inheritance may make your presence there absolutely necessary, & I
should be really very sorry were you forced to sell the Riggs even at a very
high purchase but I think you should delay taking a positive resolution in the
matter till you get sure information of the force & nature of this new Act,
considering well the risque you would run by not conforming yourself to it. If
you should take the resolution of going home, I think you should keep it private
from every body till first you be going to throw up your commission, & after
that immediately leave the Regiment and go to Holland, & from thence home. But
still there is a circumstance that may alter all these measures, As the French
are at present making on the ocean vast preparations for an expedition, If you
should find the Prince were to go at the head of it, in that case you would I
believe not quit the Regiment whatever the consequences might be, You v-ill no
doubt know this summer what may be in this matter, & if any expedition is to be
made without H.R.H. I should be sorry you were upon it. Pray think well upon it
& take your resolution after due deliberation. If you take the party to go home
what a pleasure would it be to me, were I in a position to make you easy there
for I feel the straights you will be reduced to, but I know you can put a stout
heart to a sly brae, All I can do, & I am very sorry I can do no more, is to
send you 200 liures which I shall desire Abbe Carteret to give you & to draw on
me for it, and as you are very dear to me I shall send to him or to Mr. Watens
my gold snuff box which may be worth, I believe 20 guineas, & I wish you may be
in a condition after paying all your debts on this side to carry it home with
you & to make a present of it to your mistress for I must earnestly recommend it
to you to get a wife as soon as ever you can, but with money, which you want
much, but still not to take one but such as you think you can live happy with. I
remark what you say of the burthen you have upon the Riggs, but I would fain
hope you may get at least as much with a wife as will pay it all, and as what
you mention may be due to me, by Your Father and you, let that never give you
any trouble, for unless I should have absolute need of it, or any part of it,
which I hope I never shall, I freely give it to you without my nephew Jemmy or
any other body pretending to any share of it, I do this out of love I have for
you, & out of my ardent wishes you may never find yourself obliged to part with
the Riggs, only I desire that you may with your
conveniency give five hundred merks to your sisters for buying gowns for
themselves, & that for the care trouble and expense they have been at in making
the linnen for the Dozen & half shirts they are sending me, and it is my
intention to repay you that sum, whenever I find myself in a condition to do it.
If you should leave the Regiment pray, if it be possible for you pay every
farthing of debt you are owing on this side the water, and as you will probably
go home by London, what if you thought it worth your while to inform yourself
about your Female namesakes near Ipswich & of making them a visit if you should
find it proper. If you have any thoughts that way I shall send you a line for
Mr. Ventris, not from me, & in such a way, as all the world may see, upon the
receipt of which he will I hope do you what service you may think fit to ask of
him; I heartily wish that your purse may not hinder you from trying this
experiment. As I am writing this to you, I own it gives me great concern. that I
have never taken care to lay by any money that with it I might have had the
comfort to supply your wants. When you see my brother Harie inform him of the
contents of this letter which I sign with my name to make it more authentick as
a part of it relates to money matters. If you must go .... take your measures to
hear from me, before you cross the sea; In the meantime, I embrace you very
tenderly & am with all my heart-My dear John
Your most affectionate Uncle & Most Humble Servant
James Edgar
I just received yours of the 6th, by it I see you are in such a heast to go home that I don't know whether this can reach you, if it does not I shall be sorry for it but as it is not proper that it should be sent after you, I send it to Inchbrek to be returned by him to me if you should be gone. If you get this you may show it to Mr. Theodore Hay what I say about of Abbe Carteret & he will, I believe give you the 200 liures & when I know it I shall remit to him that money; & I shall send to him, or anybody else you name the Gold Snuff box so you may take measures that it may be sent after you. I love you with all my soul, which is all I shall here say, but that I shall say to a certain person all you desire me, which I know will be very well taken of you & I shall do for Blairfelly nephew all the service I can but I know it is impossible to get anything fixed or settled upon him.
September 7, 1756
You may easily imagine, dear Cousin, the concern I and your friends here are in
about you, not having heard anything of you since you went home. We hope however
you arrived safe there, where our best best wishes most sincerely attend you. I
own to you that I tremble on the apprehension that your first letter may bring
me very melancholly news of the good old man, our friend, for whom I have the
greatest value and kindness. I have paid to Mr.
Ballantyne the 200c you know of, so you need to think
no more of that matter, and I have sent to him your gold snuff box, and I hope
by his means it may go safe to your hands. I have writ to your friend
Livingstone, who probably may inform you of the contents of my letter, after
telling him that finding upon enquiry there was no encouragement at present for
trade at Venice or any where else, I advised him to make the best of an ill
market, and continue where he was. I have also writ to
Wm. Stewart, and I believe he may be satisfied with my letter. Remember me in
the kindest and most affectionate manner to all my
friends. This being a night I set apart for remembering one for whom
I interest myself very particularly, I and some others solemnize it with warm
hearts. My best wishes attend you, and I am my dear Cousin, with all my heart,
You most affectionate and very humble servant
J. Guthry
Nov 29th, 1757
It was, my dear friend, a singular satisfaction to worthy Mr. Guthry as well as
to me to find by your line of July 19th that you and all your friends were well.
May you long enjoy that blessing! We observe that you
are fairly embarked in a country life, and heartily wish that it may afford you
all that pleasure and profit you can expect from it. We shall be glad to know
what progress you make. Agriculture has always been looked on by the wise as the
most honorable way of improving one's fortune, and fit for a gentleman to
pursue. Innocency will be your constant companion at the, same time that you are
doing real service to your country by increasing its natural produce. If you
think that the essay on the Venetian manner of farming may be of use to the
public, you may publish or do with it what you judge proper. In hopes that it
might be useful to our country, I did not grudge the trouble of drawing it up.-
Tis but lately that Mr. Guthry knew that Mr. Maitland the historian was
from Brechin; as he is fond of all the antiguities preserved
in that part of the country, be desires to learn that Maitland says of the
little steeple of Brechin, the Bridge and Catherthunne. Mr. Guthry longs much to
hear from you. He embrases you with his usual warmth. He thinks of You by day,
he dreams of you by night. I need use few words to
persuade you of the constant esteem, and malterable affection of
My dear friend
Your A. Bruce
(A. Lumsden)
February 20th, 1759
Dear Sir,
Your cousin has some since informed you on of my
having taken a jaunt to the land of levity. I thought to have spent a part of
the winter in the city of pleasure, but I found that my affairs called me
elsewhere to settle accounts with an old correspondent, with whom I now am. When
I have finished my business, I shall lose as little time as possible to return
back to your and my worthy friend Mr. Guthry, who desires me to forward to You
the enclosed for his Cousin Mr. Harie, which no doubt you will deliver. Mr.
Guthrie when I left him enjoyed, and I have the satisfaction to find by his
letters that he continues, and long may he continue to enjoy good health. He
reckoned that you would have seen Maitland's history and antiguities of
Scotland, which he brings down, it seems, to the death of our James 1st. As
Maitland was from Breellin, lie supposed that he would probably say all lie
could of the place of his nativity, describing the cathedral, little steeple and
bridge, telling when and by whom built, and that he would also also mention
Catterthun. If you find anything in the work relating to these points, it would
be very acceptable to Mr. Guthry if you would give him an account of them. I
know nothing at present worth mentioning to you. You will easily believe how
much I long for an epistle from you. It will be a particular pleasure to me to
hear of your improvements in agriculture; may your schemes prove always
successful! for surely no one can wish prosperity and happiness more ardently
than he who is with a most affectionate heart,
my dear Sir entirely yours
A. Bruce
Dear Cousin,
Your kind letters to your Uncle and me came safe to hand. We heartily condole
with you for the loss of your worthy Father. I hope you will let us hear
frequently from you: It seems you have suffered nothing from the present war in
your quarter, for I think
you never mention it. I shall be glad to hear where your Brothers are settled
and how employed. I suppose you continue engaged in farming. I have been trying
that trade these two or three years and find it very amusing but expensive to do
anything to purpose. Your friends in this country are in their ordinary health.
My Sisters join with me in complements and best wishes to you, Mrs. Edgar, and
your Brothers and Sisters and I ever am, Dear David,
Your most affectionate Cousin
and most humble Servant
John Edgar.
May 19-1760
Copy of a letter inscribed:
Mr. David Edgar at Rahway in New jersey to be forwarded by the Racquet Boat to
New York. per your hble servt james & Hope
Dear David,
I condole very heartily with you, & the rest of the family on the melancholy
accounts you gave me in your last of the death of your worthy Father. 1 am
persuaded there v-ill none of you be wanting to yourselves in seeing and adoring
the good Hand of God in it, & not only with true christian resignation
submitting to it as His will towards you, but gratefully acknowledging the
kindness of His Providence in continuing him for a blessing so long among you.
The having enjoyed the Benefit of his Instruction and Example, not only till
your minds were formed thereby to that serious sense of Religion he himself all
along entertained, but all of you according to my hopes and opinion, comfortably
settled in the world, is so valuable a Blessing, and the more so, that. it is
not generally conferred, that it calls for the most pious sense of it, and as an
evidence of that a suitable improvement of it. You will do all well therefore,
while you remember this, not to forget. the obligations that it lays upon you.
How strictly it is incumbent upon you to transcribe the same seriousness into
your own hearts, to observe the same regular Discharge of the duties of Religion
in your several persons and Families and to propagate and transfuse into all the
children it shall please God to bless any of you with. This your own experience
of its being the best portion that can be left with children in this world, as
besides all the advantages it is attended with here, extending its happy
influences into Eternity, will make you the less lyable to fail in it, with
regard to those who under God derive their being from you & whose happiness both
here and hereafter must depend upon the pattern you set before them and the
education you give them. Your worthy Mother is still, I reckon, continued with
you, & though I heartily condole with her on her present separation from so
desirable a companion of life, I can scarce keep from congratulating her, on the
near prospect she must have before her of meeting him in a state where their
virtues will be crowned with perfection and there will be no danger nor
possibility of parting again. I am glad to infer from your silence, now a second
time that your country though deeply engaged in the present war & situated, as I
take it, at no great distance from the seat of it, has yet continued much free
from the calamitous consequences of it. The worst I hope is now over, & if a
right use be made of the successes God has given in it, the peace and security
of your Quarter of the World will be effectually established. I would have wrote
you sooner but yours which was long in coming to hand, having fallen by, has now
for a long time escaped my search for recovering it & so left me at a loss for
the proper direction I entreat upon the receipt of
this you'll give me full and particular accounts of all friends with you and
that you'll make my wife's complements & mine acceptable to them. That God may
keep you all always under the protection of his Fatherly Providence and the
guidance of his saving grace is the hearty prayer of
Your most affectionate Uncle
Harie Edgar.
May 20, 1760
July 24th, 1760
Your letter, my dear Cousin, of the 12th May was most welcome to me, for
I was thinking very long to hear from you. You may easily
imagine the great concern I was under when a misfortune which would have been
very sensible, and of which you may have been informed was likely to happen
lately to me, but I thank God that is now over, and I have no further uneasiness
at present on that account. I must own to you I was much concerned when I
heard the ship was but there is no question now of my
sending it to him by Mr. Nevoy, for I am very glad to let you (know) that lie is
now in a fair way of shining as one of the first painters in Europe, he only
wanted to be introduced into the world, that his talents and capacity might be
known, and my Lord Strathmore has generously done this by bespeaking from him
two large pictures, for which he gives him 400£ Stg the highest price given to
the very first masters for pictures of that size. Nevoy on this occasion will
gain great reputation and he will be in a fair way of making a fortune; it will
take him 3 years before he finishes these two pictures, and till then he does
not think of removing from where he is I remark what you say of your
improvements, I am sensible that the scarcity of hands now to be found for
carrying the work on, and the dearness of it must be a great hindrance to you at
present, but with all that, my head runs often on that matter, I
should be very glad to know what You have already done and what you still design
to do in that particular. Have you as yet cleared out and improved the Muckle
Ward & adjacent waste ground, and made it arable land? I remember there was a
house and some acres of arable ground in that Ward near to the place where the
Fir trees were planted. Have you or design you to
improve the waste ground adjacent to Ledside the west side of the burn, and
Linhead. How many may be the acres of all that waste ground? and of the Common
that was fenced from the town of Brechin? I really believe that when you are
able to turn the whole into arable ground or into good grass, it will be more,
and of more value than all the corn ground you had before, and when you can
complete all, you have have, besides the mains, a good farm in the Muckle Ward,
those of Leadside and the Westside of the burn much encreased, and that of the
Linhead made a good one also, and besides all that, you will have ground enough
to make two good farms on the Muirland. Pray do me the pleasure to write me an
answer to this, that I may know what you have and are
designing to do. Embrace your Uncle and Jemmy from me with all the sentiments of
a warm and an affectionate heart, and remember me kindly to such of my friends
as you think fit. Our friend Bruce remembers you very kindly. I long to see the
letter you say you was to write to him. May you be as well and as happy as I
wish. I am with all my heart, my dear Cousin
Your most affectionate and most humble servant
J. Guthry
January 15,1761
Yours, my dear Cousin, of the 15th Sept. was long in coming to me, but I made it
very welcome, as all that come from you will ever be to me, for nobody can
interest himself more warmly than I do in all that relates to you, and it would
be a most sensible pleasure (to) me, were I in a condition to give you essential
proofs of it. I do my best to be able to do. it, and I have still hopes I may
compass it at last. In the meantime, it is a most sensible satisfaction to me to
see that the great improvements you are making on your Riggs are already turning
to so good an account, and as I know the soil, I would
fain hope by your dilligence and application, and from the experience you must
now have in such affairs, you may be soon able to make something very
considerable of it, may I ever flatter myself you may soon augment the income of
your land to more than thrice as much as it was when I was in those parts. How
glad am I to hear that my friends with you are well,
my best and kindest wishes attend them, of which pray assure them when you see
them. The compliments you make me from my old friend Dr. Ogilvy are most
acceptable, for I have a particular kindness and
esteem for him. When you see him say all that is kind and obliging to him from
me, and assure him of my best compliments, which I hope I may yet have the
pleasure to do by word of mouth. We are all well here. Your friend Bruce always
remembers you kindly. May this prove a thriving year to you, and accompanied
with all health and happiness. Nobody can wish it more than I do for I am with
all my heart, my dear Cousin.
Your most affectionate Cousin & most humble servant
J. Guthry.
September 5th, 1762
Dear Sir,
It is a long time since I have the pleasure of writing
to you. Ascribe it not, I entreat you, to want of friendship, but only to want
of subject worthy of a letter that must travel so many miles. I intended indeed
to write to you, as soon as I heard of your marriage,
but Mr. Guthry prevented me that pleasure by doing it himself. Permit me,
however, altho' late, still to do it, and to congratulate with you on a subject,
on which, I flatter myself, you have good reason to
congratulate yourself. And may you ever find that reciprocal satisfaction in the
marriage state, which the young lady, whom you have made your happy partner,
must surely find in your virtue and good sense.
Worthy Mr Guthrie of whose thoughts you are the constant object embraces you,
and the lady with the utmost affection and altho' he drinks to your good health
twice a day, yet Monday according to annual custom,
will be particularly set aside for that purpose; We shall even begin tomorrow to
celebrate the first vespers, and to wish you a clopping boy before the year is
ended. He is indeed very anxious to hear from you. He has long expected that
satisfaction He lost not a post to write you in return to your last, and at the
same time begged of you to return him an answer to the
questions he therein asked you. Did you know the comfort your letters give him
you would, no doubt, write of ten to him. If you have not therefore
already writ him, pray do not delay to do it.
I hope the improvements you have made on your estate, begin to answer the
expense and trouble you have bestowed on it. How happy should I be to walk
around your farm, and observe the effects of your art and industry! I am
persuaded that you now think agriculture a more agreeable employment than either
fighting in camps, or bowing in courts.
You can expect little news from this quarter. We live as usual like clockwork. 'Tis
true I have had these eight months the pleasure of Mr. Strange's company. His
elegant drawings, or more properly pictures, for such they appear, have procured
him great fame in a country so justly celebrated for the designing arts, and I
question not but, in time, they will procure him both that and fortune in
Britain. He offers you his compliments.
Pray how do all my worthy friends in your neighborhood?
(The rest of this letter is torn off-it was written by Mr. Lurnsden-alias A.
Dear Cousin:
I have the pleasure of your kind letter dated June 7,
and I saw that to your Uncle. We sincerely condole with you for the loss you
have sustained by the death of your wife, and brother Alexander. I hope you will
lose no opportunity of letting us hear from you, we will be very glad to know
that you have got the better of your distress in the eyes. It pleased God to
call your Uncle James about a year ago, he has ordered a ring for you which has
not yet come to this country, but shall be sent by the first, sure hand
after we get it. Your Aunt Mrs. Edgar at the Knap died last winter. It is about
two years since I was married to Katherine Ogilby, daughter to Mrs. Ogilby at
Quick. We have a son and daughter, James and Kate. My sisters live all together
in Montrose. I don't remember any more deaths or marriages among your Friends
here except Nelly Edgar, Uncle Robert's daughter, who was married to one Captain
Petrie in Montrose, and died last year leaving a daughter. As to father
particulars I refer you to our Uncle Mr. Harie, who is to write along with this.
My wife and sisters join with me in kindest compliments to you, your mother &
all friends and I am most affectionately, Dear Cousin,
Your most obedient & humble servant,
John Edgar.
Keithock, Sept. 15th 1763
Dear Cousin:
Received yours of 24th September 1763 in which it gave me the melancholy account
of the death of my worthy Uncle James and my Aunt and Cousin Nelly-oh that the
melancholy account of the death of our dear friends, which we so often hear,
might be sanctified to our spiritual and eternal concern. It has pleased God to
call from me my dear Nephew Thomas Randolph which my sister Jenett left me, last
July, and from my sister Kate her son Thomas. I would now relieve you from this
mournful subject, and congratulate with you on your marriage, and wish you
comfort and happiness. It is about 2 years since I was married to Phebe Baremore.
Brother William has another son, Alexander. He and his family and the rest of
our friends are in their ordinary state of health, Blessed be God-and do wish to
be remembered to you and your Spouse and all friends as if particularly named.
I and my family are in our ordinary state of health Blessed
be God, only I am something afflicted with my eyes and have lost the sight of
one of them, so that I cannot see to do anything with it; but they are a good
deal better than they have been in time past Blessed be God.
so conclude-
A copy of a letter sent to Scotland to my Cousin John Edgar
and one something like this to my Henry Edgar.
Dated Feb. 8th, 1766.
(The writer of this letter must have been David, son of Thomas Edgar.)
Friday Mourning, August 16, 1839
Sister Kate
I have been trying
for some time, to find time to write a few lines, to my little sister, but we
have been so busy I could not succeed until at last we have got a stormy day and
little less work, you must therefore excuse my not writing before. Aunt Margaret
and Catharine have been in town buying her wedding dress,-she is to be married
the second week in Sept. Neither Mama or Elizabeth will go to the wedding and in
seven weeks from this time you will be home, if I am not mistaken as to the time
school breaks up. Elizabeth has not been to school this summer and has become
quite saucy and frolick-some, but have no doubt when you come home you will
steady her down. Miss Eliza Manning and Mary Cornelia arrived at our house from
Geneva this mourning at 5:00 and are going to Rahway as soon as it clears up, to
spend a few weeks. Cousin David is improving as fast as can be expected,-they
took him to Amboy yesterday, where he will remain until he recovers. Brother
James and Jeanette have moved in their house in Hubert St. and are fixed quite
nice the little baby grows finely. Elizabeth is spending a few days in the
country to improve her health and recruit her spirits. Phebe Cate is to be one
of the Bridesmaids and Uncle Clarkson one of the Groommen the other two are
friends of Mr. Cornell and you do not know them.
It is just one year today since I arrived home from sea, when you opened the
door and was so surprised to see Brother William. You must be a good girl-learn
fast-and get fat and hearty this summer. I could come and see you if I could
find time. Brother Booth has gone on a visit to Auburn and will not return in a
week. Louisa is as well and fat as ever. Mama is middling well and I am so so.
It is as hard work as ever for me to get up in the mourning and especially
I must bid you a good bye and you can get one of the large girls to kiss you for
me and then you can kiss her for me. I am always happy to get a letter from you
and shall expect to hear from you again soon. Let me make one little correction
in your letters-never write on the seal, it does not look nice.
Give my love to the prettiest and nicest girl and keep a good share for yourself
and believe me to be,
Your affectionate Brother,
Catharine H. Edgar, at Mrs. Cooks, Bloomfield, N. J.
Rayway, N. Jersey, May 16th 1840.
On Tuesday last May 12th James Edgar of Scotland was at this house and spent the
night. He is the son of James, whose father's name was John, who was the son of
Alexander. The said Alexander -was a brother of the Thomas Edgar our ancestor
who came to America about 1715 to 1718. The said Alexander and Thomas with five
other sons were children of David Edgar whose father's name was
This young man James is just past twenty-one years of age he has spent about six
months in Canada where he has purchased a farm. He is now on his way to Scotland
and expects to return in about three months.
Cornelius Henry Edgar.
Troy, March 9th, 1844
Miss Mary S. Babcock,
Care Corns. Edgar, Esq.,
Rahway, N. J.
Dear Mary,-
Your very pleasing letter of the 27th ult. inviting me to be present and to
witness the ceremony of the change of name has been received. Nothing would give
me greater pleasure I assure you than to comply with your request, in fact not
until today have I given up the hope of being able to gratify my wish but in
this I am disappointed.
My cousin Betsey has been ill for some time and she is now so much exhausted and
so low that her physician thinks it very doubtful whether she will survive
another week.
This being the case I feel it to be my duty as it is my inclination to abandon
my intended journey and therefore I can do nothing more than wish you as I do
most sincerely a long, a happy and a prosperous life.
I with pleasure annex the receipt alluded to in your letter.
Please remember me to all friends.
I remain your friend,
Thomas Howland
Rec'd Troy, Mar. 9, 1844, from Mary S. Babcock, one dollar in full of all
demands whatsoever.
Thomas Howland
(Mary S. Babcocks guardian. Her parents died in cholera epidemic, 1832)
Edgarton, Rahway, N. J.
March 16, 1844
Saturday afternoon
My Brother Matthias' son William Henry was married on Wednesday evening last, by
his brother Rev. Edward B. Edgar, to my wife's sister, Mary S. Babcock.
The ceremony was performed in a most excellent manner at 8:00
My wife and I made this occasion of assembling the Edgar family and branches, as
far as practicable.
There were invited Father, Mother, Brother William, Sisters Catharine and Phebe
and Cousin Henrietta...
Matthias, wife and daughter
James A. Edgar and wife...
William. A. Booth and family
Miss Hetfield
Alex. Edgar and family
Cornelius Baker and family.
Clarkson Edgar and family.
Jno B. Edgar and wife .....
W W Cornell and wife .....
Edward Babcock and wife..
Thomas Howland ..........
Harriet Smith and family ...
Ross Kinsey and wife ......
Mrs. Blanchard and family
Wm. Tailor and family
Rev. E. B. Edgar
Mr. Baldwin, Waterbury, Mr. Baush, Mr. Coolidge
Mr. J. H. Stephens and family
David E. Paton and wife.
also Miss Glory Nichols ......
The day was unpleasant and the roads awfully bad, number present 38
Henry Stephens, Groomsman
Henrietta Baker, Bridesmaid
The evening passed very pleasantly and all seemed a happy family.
The Minister in his prayer made allusion to the peculiar family blessings our
house has enjoyed and invoked the blessing and guidance of Providence on these
young folks in the enterprise, of going to the West, alone, to engage in
agricultural pursuits.
It being impossible to have any but the family present in our small house on the
evening of the wedding, another evening was set apart and our neighbor
acquaintance and a few city friends were invited; this was on Friday evening the
15th. The evening proved very rainy and pitchy dark, but some 30 were present
out of 75 invited, 60 of whom were not of the family.
Mr. & Mrs. Moore
Mrs. Clark & Julia Lee
Mary Helen Lee
Rob. B. Lee and Sisters
Jno. Thompson & wife
Mr. Webb, wife & daughter
Jacob Shotwell & wife
Birdsall & Sister
Miss Brown, Miss Freeman
N. Thorp & family
Rev. Mr & Mrs Peet
Mr. King & family
Misses Jaques
Mr. DeWitt & Sisters
Dr. Cook & wife
Rev. Mr. Imbrie & Wife
Mrs. Squier
Mr. & Mrs. Lathrop
Mr. and Mrs. Labau
W. E. Baker & sisters
Mr. Stephens & sisters
Mr. Cromwell & Mr. Wheelock
Mr. Baldwin
Mr. Waterbury, Baush
Mr. Coolidge
Mr. E & S Rogers
Mr. Shafer
Mr. Freeman
Besides a number of our own
immediate family making upwards of 70 invitations.
Many of those who could not come sent apologetic regrets to that effect.
It is not customary to have tea or coffee, but the company having assembled and
congratulated the Bride and Groom, converse in groups, and at a suitable time,
lemonade and cakes are passed round. Music and conversation and promenading from
room to room, take up the time until say 10:10 o'clock and then the party was
invited to an adjoining room and partook of refreshments consisting of all kinds
(almost) of cakes, lemonade, jellies, creams, confectionaries, oranges, etc.
Sufficient time having been passed at the supper or refreshment table, they
returned and after a little interval, coffee was served and the company
December 27th, '48
On demand I promise to pay to the order of James A. Edgar Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) value received with interest at 7%
Wm. H. Edgar.
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Dear Brother,-
I have this day drawn on you for $300.00 and above hand you note for the same,
which as I said before shall be paid as soon as possible. I made the draft in
favor of James A. Walters.
We are all well and hourly expecting the stranger. Our best regards to you and
will write again soon.
Yours affectionately,
Wm. H. Edgar.
Kalamazoo, Mich.- April 15, 1849
Dear Grandmother,
We are contemplating building a Presbyterian church and in order to succeed in
the enterprise we must look for some help from abroad. I have ventured to ask
You to interest Yourself in the matter thinking that all in your household would
contribute something toward an object in which Mary and myself are interest to
wit-having a church within walking distance of our house. Much will depend upon
my exertions in accomplishing the object, and I shall venture to solicit aid
from all my friends. The site has been given and some money subscribed. My
object in writing thus early in the matter is to find out how much we can get
and if possible get the building up this fall. My Aunt, Uncles and Cousins I
feel will all do something and among so many if the donations are small from
each it would be none the less acceptable.
We are all well and happy. And with assurance of our continued love and
affection for you all, believe me,
Your affectionate Grandson,
Wm. Henry Mrs. William Edgar, Rahway, N. J.
Copy of a letter addressed to Mr. Jonathan Edgar, a lawyer of New York
City, residing at Summit, N. J. No. 6 Pitt Street, Edinb. 15 October 1852.
Dear Sir:
Tho a perfect stranger to you I venture to address you thus in virtue of being a
Scotch Cousin, tho in what precise degree, I have no idea. I happened to be
paying a visit at Montrose in the latter part of August and saw my old
acquaintance, Mrs. Paterson, wife of the Parish Clergyman, who told me of your
having been there about six week previously, and of having applied to her
husband for information about the Edgar family. I regret very much that I was
not in Montrose at the time of your visit, or that I had not the pleasure of
seeing you here.
I lived in Montrose till I removed here six years ago after the death of my
Mother. She was Catharine Margaret Edgar, the eldest daughter of the last
proprietor of Keithock, John Edgar, who died so far
back as 1788, the estate was sold after his death (as the family was large) and
divided amongst them. They are all dead now, my mother being the last survivor
and dying seven years ago at the age of 82.
One of her Brothers, Thomas, a great genealogist and antiquarian corresponded
with one of his American relatives, Colonel Edgar, I think, and probably
communicated any intelligence he could. He died twenty years ago and his
youngest Brother, James, about eleven years ago died at Sea on his way to Canada
to see his youngests son, James, and his young wife, who had settled there the
previous year. Poor James Edgar, Jun'r, died two years and a half ago of
inflammation leaving a widow and three children with almost nothing.
My uncle's widow and her daughter had turned Roman Catholics (a great affliction
to my uncle before his death) but she was very kind to James and his wife though
they were Protestants and wished the widow and children to come to this country,
she being willing to allow them a certain yearly sum. The widow preferred
remaining where she was and very soon married a Clergyman of the Church of
England who has a small living at Leeds forty miles from Quebec. I suspect they
have very little as her mother-in-law declines now to give them any help when
her kind offer was rejected. I am grieved at it for the children's sake.
The widow of my uncle lives now at Aix la Chapelle in Germany with her youngest
daughter who is unmarried. The oldest son is a Romish Priest, the eldest
daughter is married in Cornwall to a man of old family, Mr Plamer a Barrister,
and has five children, the second daughter is a nun and that is the whole family
and with the exception of myself all that remains of the Keithock family in this
Had we met I could have told you many things orally which might appear trivial
in writing. I could have told you at least where you could have seen monuments
of the family in the church yards of Montrose and Brechin and at Arbroath in the
Abbey grave yard, one to the memory of Bishop Henry Edgar, the brother of your
ancestor, Thomas, who went to America. I hope you went and saw Keithock, it is
ten miles from Montrose, two from Brechin. If you had been here I should have
shown you the portrait of James Edgar another brother of Thomas, who having been
out in 1715 with the Chevalier de St. George, as he was called, or as we
Jacobites called him King James 3rd and 9th, had to leave this country and
became private secretary to the said King James and lived more than forty years
in that capacity. He died at Rome and his tomb is to be seen in the Protestant
burying ground there still.
I could have shown you some of his letters to my grandfather John Edgar, (his
nephew) all showing a most charming character, the most upright principle, the
most devoted attachment to him he believed to be his rightful King and the
warmest affection for his relatives and native home, that he was never to see
Tho you will think they were mistaken in their views, yet you must admire the
earnest devotion of both uncle and nephew to the cause they thought right, tho
it was the losing side.
I do not know if the following anecdote will interest you:
Sometime during the interval between 15 and 45 there was a rising expected in
favor of the exiled family. Sir Robert Walpole, the British Minister, anxious to
get some information wrote to James Edgar privately offering a handsome sum if
intelligence were given. My greatuncle put the letter in the fire and thought no
more of it. A second and third with higher offers shared the same fate. Sir
Robert then altered his tactics He wrote to him that lie had placed ten thousand
pounds in the Bank of Venice for his use, which he might draw when he pleased,
no condition was annexed that was to be understood. Mr. Edgar took this letter
to King James and took his measures accordingly, then wrote to Sir Robert that
according to his instructions he had drawn the ten thousand pounds from the Bank
of Venice and laid it at his royal master's feet, who had the best title to gold
that came from England. Sir Robert was outwitted by an honest man.
The Edgar family you are perhaps aware, were from Berwickshire and settled in
Forfarshire in the reign of Queen Mary, Uncle Thomas used to trace their
descent, very far back, but they do not seem to have ever been wealthy, not a
money making race but always respectable and beloved as individuals.
My father was Bishop of Dimbold and died in 1808. His successor died only the
other day aged 89. I was a mere child when my father died but reached the age of
fifty a few days ago, in your country this would be quite venerable, I suppose.
And now having told you all I can think of, it remains only to say, that I shall
be most happy to hear from you with any information repecting the numerous
descendants of Thomas Edgar, and should you or any of them again visit Scotland
I shall be most happy to see them here.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours sincerely,
Catharine Mary Watson.
New York, May 13, 1861
My dear James,-
Your letter I received on Wednesday and was very much gratified to hear from
you. You are all now settled in your new place of residence and when you can all
realize the change I hope you will be more and more reconciled, I know your dear
Mother had sad feelings parting with so many friends, but she will soon have
pleasant neighbors and associates and I fondly hope your Father's prospects
though attended with wearisome days will be more cheerful and profitable. I hope
too you will find for yourself a good place with Mr. Barker,- a willing mind, my
dear, united with a consciention truthful heart always makes work easy and that
you have the happiness to possess cultivate it and with the blessing of God you
need not fear, you are setting out in a world of temptation-the snares and
follies of this world may allure you, but always keep in mind the eye of God is
upon you- He can strengthen and support you and deliver you from the many
temptations that beset you, and now, my dear James let me advise you and I hope
you will take heed to what I say-never allow yourself to use tobacco in any form
whatever-tis said to be a good business-let that suffice, don't you never taste
or smoke it tis a dirty foolish and I may add an extravagant practical I think
your Father would be very glad if he had never used tobacco-tis hard to leave
off-better never to commence don't you think so? I hope you do.
Your Grandfather had a few lines from you Father on Saturday and now lie has
gone to Lake Superior I fear he will have a cold time of it there must be a
great deal of ice remaining. We have had here a very cold wet spring weather. I
was up at your Aunt Mary's a fortnight ago-took a ride out to Central Park you
may have heard of it 'tis a few miles from the city it was beginning to look
very green and beautiful-several ladies were riding on horseback-last winter the
ponds became very hard frozen and the young people invited them to skate, scores
of young men and some ladies trying the experiment of skating.
Your Uncle James is making arrangements to go to Elizabeth the family will leave
the city on the 20th. I think your Uncle and Aunt would be very happy to make it
their place of permanent residence, all things being equal I think they will in
time do so-they have three little boys, full of play and mischief.
I don't know when your Aunt Louisa will go to Stratford. Henry has been home 3
weeks-returned to college on Wednesday-he is a nice steady boy. Frederick and
Theodore go to school-Catharine is at home and Cousin Mary does not go to school
any more-she takes music lessons at home.
Your Uncle Edward seems very happy in the choice he has made, he has chosen one
I think whom we may all love and esteem-the children call her Mother and are
very much pleased I hope she will prove to them all they could expect or desire.
Hanford and Catharine study at home and recite to their Father Louisa goes to
There is a prospect of a new church in Westfield-they have commenced getting out
the timber-they will have 1 expect a very nice church, when completed
I hope your Father will succeed in getting a pew in St. Johns and you will all
be satisfied to attend there.
My love to your Father when he gets home, tell him I was more than delighted to
get a letter from him it was a real test-my love to your Mother and dear
Sisters, how I should like to see you all together once more-I can fancy to
myself what kind of a looking house you have-have you a garden or any kind of
fruit I Now my dear I must bid you adieu. I wish of ten as I sit alone that I
was near enough to help your Mother with her busy cares, but here I am and she
far away. Don't forget my dear boy to read your bible you will find many
precious promises there for you.
From your affectionate
Your Aunt Lizzie wrote a few days since to your Mother.
New York, Sept 27, 1863
My dear James-
'Tis a long time since I received your kind notes. They should have met a reply
before this, but for this reason I have not been very well and have not felt
very much in a writing mood. We have passed through a very trying summer for the
young as well as for the aged-the weather of so long continued heat that many
fell prostrate with exhaustion-this last week has been remarkably cool for the
I am glad to hear your Mother is again in the enjoyment of health-how thankful
we should all be to the giver of all good that her life was spared.
Sarah spent a short time with us-she is now at Easton enjoying herself with her
little cousins. Your Aunt E. returned Saturday to the city-left Sarah to remain
another week-I hope she will be content-she is a dear good child and behaves so
prettily you can't help loving her-I don't wonder if you all miss her at your
happy home.
Your Uncle Booth's family are all in the city for their winter residence I am
very glad for 'tis so very lonesome for me to have them all away.
Your Uncle James family like Chilton so much they do not return until late in
the season.
Your Mother seems to anticipate much pleasure in Aunt Eliz. visit-I hope nothing
will occur to prevent. Sarah thinks she will not be willing to go home without
Aunt E. Your Father must find some of your kind merchant men to take charge of
them. I should not be willing to have them go by themselves-if my health was
adequate for the journey how dearly I should love to see you all togetherI tell
your Aunt if I could go all the way in a boat., I think I might, she laughs at
the idea-she thinks I am not able to go any way so I must be content.
Much do I think of you and of the busy footsteps you are daily making 'tis right
and desirable you should labour for a support. I admire you for your habits of
industry-I love you for the good principle God has implanted in your heart,-but
my dear you are young and many temptations surround you-Satan is always busy to
seduce the young from the path of piety-but fear him not-take hold of the
Saviour's invitation, "Every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters"-take your
bible and read the 55th Chapter of Isaiah, and then again you may plead his
promises-" Whosoever cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out. "Give your heart
my dear son to Christ and become a Christian-the longer you delay the harder it
will be for you to accept of offered mercy-take the Lord for you strength and
support and you will find Him a present help in time of trouble. He has never
said to the seed of Jacob ' ' Seek ye my face in vain." I feel that my time on
earth is short-I may never see either one of you-it would be a satisfaction to
see you-if not I hope to meet you all as one happy family in Heaven if through
the merits of a Saviour God a seat I gain.
'Tis seldom I write on the Sabbath but I expect to go to Westfield tomorrow to
spend a few days so I feared the delay. I have not been there in 16 months.
My love to you dear Father and Mother, Fannie, a large share for yourself. May
your name my dear James be found written in the lamb Is book of life is the
fervent prayer of
Your loving Grandmother
New York, Dec. 28, 1863
My dear Fannie & Sarah-
Christmas came and a bright cold morning it was. Soon after breakfast in came
Kate Booth with her satchel of Christmas presents for me to see. She showed them
all to me and then handed me a little parcel with letters from my dear children
of Michigan. Rest assured I received the presents with very pleasing sensations
of gratitude. The mats are nicely made, I have put them on the round table-you
will remember dear Sarah it is in the corner of the room. I have put Cousin
Henry Booth on one and little Eddie Edgar on the other of the mats-so I think of
you all together.
Dear Fannie your Aunt Louisa thought as I did,-that the book mark was very
pretty-I have it in my large book of PsalmsPsalm 23rd and 34th-get your small
book of Psalms and read them read your bible dear children every day.
It was so cold on Christmas I did not go to 14th St. Your Uncle Booth and all
the family were here at different times through the day-all except Theodore-his
uncle was a little weak from a slight sprain-his Mother did not like him to
walk-the day passed very pleasantly away.
Your Cousin Louisa spent Christmas eve and night at Cousin Henry B-she went home
the next morning. Your Uncle James and family-Uncle Baker's family-Rufus and
Blanchard-and your two cousins from Easton made up the party. Cousin Henry and
family with your cousins dined Christmas day at Chilton.
There was a fair at Rahway-I have not heard the particulars of it.
Cousin Kate Edgar came in town on Saturday-staid with me till noon-then went to
14th. I expect her tomorrow to stay till Wednesday.
There was none of the boarders home on Christmas, except your Grandfather and
myself,-turkey and fried oysters for dinner, a mince pie-they had one the
evening before-it was excellent-and I was wise or foolish enough to eat a small
piece-I told Miss Sarah it was to last me all winter-I do not think I shall be
tempted again. I suppose your Aunt Eliz. will think it will be for me if I learn
wisdom in my old days. I was glad to get a letter from her for Christmas-I wrote
her last week.
I rather guess your Grandfather will not venture out today it is very stormy-he
is so wedded to his newspaper and book that I don't think my lungs will become
weak with the effort of talking.
Yesterday morning the streets were all iced the boys were skating on the
sidewalks don't you think it was wrong for them to do so on the Sabbath! I hope
my children dear you are to me, you will always remember the 4th commandment.
Give my love to your dear brother-I often think of him going home at night,
wearied with his day's work. How glad I should be to be with you all once more,
but adieu to the subject. I feel however some days so well that I might go to
Detroit-but then I go out a little way and return to climb up these high stairs
my limbs ache. What should I do to go away so far.
I have written you dear children in one letter-what I have to say to one is for
the other. My eyes are not very strong.
I hope your Father will meet with some one who will be company for your Aunt
when her visit is over. Unless your Father has business to call him to the city,
it would be to him too great an expense and loss of time for him to come-he must
consult his own advantage. My love to him and your dear Mother, and Aunt Eliz.-a
large share for yourselves.
Your loving Grandmother.
N. B.-I will send a list of Kate Booth's presents. The little mats look very
pretty. I am delighted with my presents, and wish you both a happy New Year.
Copy of letter addressed to Rev. Cornelius H. Edgar, D.D., of Easton, Pa.
Toronto, March 15th, 1868.
My dear Cousin,
You will have come to the conclusion that all your letters have gone to some
"Irish Edgar" here, and despair of reaching me by mail. But culpa mea this time,
and no Hiberian shoulders may be visited with the weight of your displeasure. Do
you not know many men, who are very busy hardworking people, but as bachelors
could write a letter occasionally yet when they have a wife and a sister prone
to scribbling, become notoriously irregular correspondents! I am such an one.
It is well that heirs have been found for the lands that made us acquainted,
even if they do not do us any good otherwise. For my part I have seen so many
cases of distant claims or supposed rights to property, that I do not set much
store by the chance of getting anything in that accidental way. I am going to
work hard and if I ever succeed in joining acres to acres I will call them "Keithock,"
and tell my boys the reason why. Then if they think as much of an old name as
you and I do they will not sell Keithock.
The old letter you copied and sent me is full of interest. The best return for
it is the letter from my aunt that I enclose. Pray keep it safe as it is a very
clear and interesting piece of family history, and when you have quite done with
it perhaps I may ask it back. At the page of Chambers Hist. of Rebellion
referred to in the letter you will see the story of Secretary Edgar's loyalty to
the Stuarts. How 10,000 pounds-a large sum then-was laid at the feet of his
master, when Walpole meant it for a bribe. But Chambers does not say the return
James Stuart made. The trophy Which represents to our family 10,000 pounds, and
more, is a magnificent gold snuff box of royal workmanship; when James gave it
to Edgar it was an heir-loom of the Stuart family. Two years ago it crossed the
Atlantic in my possession, and is probably the most precious relic in Canada.
The fortunes of the Stuarts went down with it, so have ours; but still I'll try
if the new world wont change its influence. It seems to me sacred, like
Longfellow's "Luck of Edenhall." I cannot send you a copy of it, but when you
see me you shall see it.
Eliza is going to England and Scotland in May for some months for the first
time, and if she enjoys herself as much there as with you she will be in no
hurry to come back. Before she goes she is to take the responsibility of being
godmother to our youngest boy whom we are to call "Harrie Ogilvy," partly after
Harrie, bishop of Fife, and the other part after the family name of my
greatgrandmother because we think it pretty and distinctive.
I have just asked Eliza to enclose a line with this.
I hope what I send with this will make up for what I do not say in it.
Believe me, my dear Kinsman, faithfully,
J. D. Edgar.
Copy of letter (without date) addressed to James D. Edgar of Toronto,
Canada, and sent by him March 15, 1868, to Rev. C. H. Edgar of Easton, Pa.
Dearest Jamie,
In Nisbet's Heraldry three families of Edgars are mentioned, the Edgars of
Wedderlie in Berwickshire, the Edgars of Keithock in Forfarshire and the Edgars
of Poland. At the death of the last Edgar of Wedderlie, Rear-Admiral Alexander
Edgar, Feb 17th, 1817, the newspapers in announcing the fact mentioned he was of
,lone of the oldest families in Scotland as appears by deeds as far back as
1170. It is generally believed that the Edgars of Wedderlie were descended from
Edgar, son of Queen Margaret, neice of Edward the Confessor, married to Malcolm,
King of Scotland, and by Catholics honored as St. Margaret.
Admiral Edgar left only a daughter. She wished her son to take the name of
Edgar, and as only the representative of the eldest branch of a family can use
the supporters to the family arms, she applied to the Court of Lord Lyon, King
at arms, for permission for her son to wear them. Thomas Edgar, my father's
elder brother and your grandfather, then the head of the Edgars of Keithock
protested against this as he claimed to be the head of both families, since it
was a younger son of Edgar of Wedderlie who bought Keithock from the Lindsays in
1617. This claim was allowed, as being the nearest known male descendant of the
Edgars of Wedderlie, but as it was possible that another might come forward who
had quitted the Wedderlie stem more recently than the Keithock branch, he was
not allowed to use the supporters for twenty years; these twenty years being now
long past, you are the undisputed representative of the Edgars both of Keithock
and Wedderlie. Wedderlie now belongs to Lord Blantyre.
David Edgar of Keithock (whose portrait you will one day have, at present it is
at Helstone) had a large family. Two of his sons, John and James, bore prominent
parts in the rising of 1715. The first died a prisoner at Stirling Castle, and
the second escaping to Italy became the well-known private Secretary of the
Chevalier, or as we Jacobites call him of James the third, with whom he remained
more than forty years, till his death in 1762. There are many anecdotes of the
Secretary, as well as of his nephew Joh, your greatgrandfather, who followed
Prince Charles in 1745, which I must leave for another paper but there is no
book about the Jacobites in which the Secretary is not mentioned in the most
honorable manner as the most faithful and devoted follower of the Stuarts, the
most loyal and true of men. Meanwhile if you have an opportunity of seeing any
books about the Jacobites, I will mention some in which the Edgars are
particularly mentioned. In Robert Chambers "His tory of the Rebellion 1746-6 lie
gives one well-known anecdote of the Secretary in the 6th Edition, page 419. In
Denistone of Denistone "Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange and A. Lumsden" he
mentions both the Secretary and your greatgrandfather frequently. Lumsden was
the under-secretary and at Mr. Edgar's death, succeeded to his post. In the Land
of the Lindsays page 270 there is a good deal about the Edgars although there
are several inaccuracies in dates and spelling of names. Another son of David
Edgars, Henry, was Protestant Bishop of Fife, he left no children. Another son
displeased his father by his democratic principles and went to America, where he
has left many thousands of descendants. Every now and then one of these American
Edgars comes to Scotland to visit the family cradle. And when your father passed
through New York on his way to Canada, he found some of them out, and was
received with the greatest kindness and hospitality. You see should Canada ever
be united to the Northern States, you have a readymade clan.
Your greatgrandfather, John, who succeeded his father, Alexander, in 1758 fled
to France from the battle of Culloden, he served in Lord Ogilvy's Scotch
regiment until the passing of the Act of indemnity in 1756 when he returned to
Scotland. He died in 1788 leaving a number of children and as Keithock was
greatly mortgaged at the time of his succession probably by their efforts in
behalf of their rightful King, he had not been able to lay by anything for the
younger children and by his will it was sold a year after his death. Of all his
children only two left descendants, the youngest son, James, your grandfather,
and the eldest daughter Catherine, Mary Watson's mother. The late Protestant
Bishop Moir of Brechin speaking to a clergyman who repeated it to us, of the
Edgars of Keithock-said they had always been renowned for their honor and
loyalty-that the word of one of them was as good as the oath of another man.
That inheritance at least, my dear Jamie, remains you own, no one can deprive
you of it. In the next letter I shall send you the anecdotes I promised.
Meanwhile I must conclude.
Your most affectionate aunt,
Mary Caroline Edgar.
Detroit, April 24, 1870
My dear Child,-
Arch. Sarah and Bessie Dudgeon leave tomorrow night and by telegraph just
received from Sioux City they will just about hit a boat. We have enjoyed Arch's
visit very much-he is a noble fellow and I only hope Sarah will get me as good
and clean a son-in-law. I hope Sarah and Bessie will make you happy and then
when you are all happy you know Father is happy. I only wish I could give you a
good hug and kiss-perhaps I may this summer.
Detroit, Oct 7/70
Dear Fannie,-
We have all become so used to have Mother write you her regular letters that it
has made the rest of us rather careless. You know that I am not much of a letter
writer and you know as well my dear child that absence can never lessen my love.
You are my own dear Fannie. I have not been at all well this summer-not sick,
but out of sorts the weather is now cool and pleasant and am better. We are all
too happy at the thought of you being in the states in the spring and I am now
thinking to put a wing on the house that I may have room for all my children-how
do you like that?
Sarah is the same child and I fear any day that some "fellow" will be taking her
off. We have had some changes this summer Arch. has lost his father and you your
grandmother, but we must trust they are both happy. I was afraid Arch's coat
would be too small. I had it made larger once after it was sent home. James and
Mollie seem happy, but father was never so matter of fact when he was first
married. I am too happy in feeling that you have so kind and good a husband and
from the way you write I know you are happy-if you were not you would tell me.
Detroit, Nov 2, 1872
Dear Arch,-
I judge from the receipt of the "Horns" which came safely and without a break
that you are safely with Fannie. Accept thanks for your remembrance. What a
trial it must have been for Fannie! and what an exciting time you must have had.
How I wish that I could have been with you. I have promised Mother she might
come out in the spring if you remain at Sully. After election is over settle on
some 1, 2 or 3 positions you would accept in the states in your military
capacity and I will do all in my power to bring it about. Cannot promise much
but I will try hard. The election is about conceded to Grant and there can be no
doubt of it for my own part I have but little choice.
We are all well except a trouble James has with his throat and that is
Sarah and Charlie are happy and as most young people are when first married but
you have no conception of the happiness it has afforded Mother and myself to
think and know that both you and Fannie although separated from us are so
contented with each other. Kiss the dear child for me and believe me,
Truly yours,
W. H. Edgar
St. John's Detroit
13 March A D 1874
Mr and Mrs W. H. Edgar,
My very dear friends,-
Thirty years of married bliss! Have not these Years numbering so many today,
been full of the loving kindness of our God? and each year as it has been
calendered been more complete with happiness than the last? I doubt not - - and
as I think of your "full cup," I scarcely know what to ask, or seek for
you-love-that you may always remember, Every good and perfect gift is from
Be very certain, my dear friends, that there are few, if any, who greet you on
this happy anniversary with more tenderness and sincere affection than your
George Worthington
(after Bishop of Nebraska)
P. S. Please allow this comforting text a place in your own room as a souvenir
of this day, March 13th, 1874.
March 18, 1874
My dear Fanny,-
It is not often that I punish you with two letters in the same week, but really
my surprise of last evening after your letter was closed was so complete, I
cannot wait until next mail to give you an account.
To begin with, I bought in the morning a cravat slide for Father and had it
prettily marked as a souvenir of the day-made preparations for a nice tea, and
invited James and Mary. To my utter surprise Mary declined saying she would
rather come in, in the evening, as she could not leave Goodloe for so long a
time. I was sorry but came to the conclusion that she thought it would be too
much excitement for Sarah. Then when Father gave the baby presents I was
completely blinded.
Charlie came to the library door as I was sitting there alone saying "Mother
Edgar, Sarah wants you a moment. Of course, I thought she was not as well and
ran up stairs. She detained me for a while. I stayed never thinking for a moment
she had an object. When I returned what a change!!! The library a maze of
lights. On my writing desk an illuminated text elegantly framed in green and
gilt-the flowers painted by hand "He shall give His angels charge concerning
this" with a beautiful note from Mr. Worthington. Two lovely bouquets, one from
Bessie and one from Goodloe a silver spoon holder to match my tea set and
bouquet for bride of 30 years orange blossoms, and so forth from James and Mary.
From "baby Fannie her first gift, an elegant berry spoon, gold lined. From your
Mother a silver tea tray, large enough to hold my entire tea set marked number
of years, dates and so forth. It is more than elegant.
I cannot tell you my surprise nor how precious to me the love of the dear ones
who took so much pleasure in planning it. The only drawback was the absence of
two who presence was wished for many times to make the festival complete. After
the time spent in chatting and admiring the elegant gifts, I heard the table
bell. Mr. Worthington arose and with great ceremony offered his arm. Poor I
bewildered-was ushered into the dining room where by magic it seemed to me was a
table loaded with good things-ice cream, charlottels, grapes, oranges, cake,
candies but you know Father's way when he does anything of the sort. It was, as
Mr. W, said, a complete surprise, complete success and a "good time"-and Sarah
was not hurt by the excitement and laughter down stairs.
Sunday evening September 25th 1888
My dear Arch and Fanny,-
As I sit at my desk this Sunday evening knowing that ere another Sunday comes
you will be far from home, I cannot resist the impulse to write a few lines to
be read when you are on the ocean. I wonder. as I write, if the winds and rains
will be tempered by a kind Providence, the same Providence that I trust will
have you both in his keeping until I see you once more face to face. How I shall
enjoy your letters. Of course lonely hours must come for I have learned in the
past five years to look to you both so constantly for the brightness in my home
life. I cannot but miss you every day-every hour-and long for your return. Even
now, I can almost hear Arch laugh. I am ready to count the months, crossing each
week, with the feeling that the time is so much shortened.
I hope you will both enjoyed every minute. Think of Mother at home, content that
you are happy but ready with a loving welcome whenever you decide to turn your
steps homeward.
God watch and guard you both safely in all your wanderings will be the daily
prayer of your loving
Detroit, August 29, 1891
My dear Sister Fanny,
Not a day passes that I do not think of you and with deep
gratitude for your kindness and motherly interest in our boy. Do not let him get
careless or get an idea that he has not his own way to make in the world, make
him realize and appreciate this-that he may not is my greatest fear. I had
always looked forward to the time when he might perhaps be associated with me in
my business, but the sugar business seems to have had its best days- I may be
obliged to give it up. It is a great trial being separated from Mary and
Bessie-my interest in my business lags with my heart so far away and all my fond
hopes and dreams seem turned to ashes. Mary and Bessie had good times at Fort
Grant-met Col. Penion and wife there-friends of yours-who were exceedingly
kind-also Col. and Mrs. Mizner and others who knew you-Mary is almost an "Army
lady" now. Mary says they are now nicely settled again in Tucson -found the
house in nice order and Sarah and Carmen ready to welcome them and the weather
cooler and pleasant. Dr. Green has quite a large and paying practice.
Everything here going along about as usual. Mother keeps well as I ever knew her
and enjoys Aunt Lizzie who is bright and agreeable and looks a picture of
health-never complains. Sarah and her children come to dinner every Sunday. Mr.
Marsh is away from home again-this time at St. Paul and Duluth-I seldom see him
the "baby" is bright as a dollar and Mother's idol of course. Alice is a sweet
girl-she grows tall and handsome-John is delicate, but averages a pretty good
boy. I am thinking of a trip to see Mary and Bessie and may go now almost any
week. Kentucky news is a scarce article with me. Lizzie Barret is at Dr. Smith's
attending constantly on Mrs. Goodloe who keeps about as usual-there is of course
the increasing infirmities of old age. I doubt if Mrs. G. leaves Waco this
I hope when you once "settle down" Goodloe will take up his books and make good
progress-he has had a long vacation and rest-and should make up some lost
time-however he is (for the present at least) your boy and I am sure you will
direct him right. Kiss him for me and with warmest love for one and all, believe
me my dear Sister,
Ever affectionately yours,
James Edgar.
August 12th, 1893
My dear Fannie
So swiftly does time fly, it is hard to realize that twenty-five years have gone
by, since you stood a bride in St. John Is with the setting sun shedding its
soft light upon you.
I know quite well that the love which you and Arch. gave to each other then has
only deepened and strengthened as the years have fled so that you can celebrate
your "Silver Wedding- feeling you are nearer and dearer to each other than ever.
That I may have a share in your happiness of August 12, '93, as I did in that of
/68, I send to you a little keep-sake and as you and Arch. enjoy sometimes in
your pleasant home "a cold cut," may the fork with which you serve it, be a
reminder to you of the warm place you have now, and ever have had, in the loving
heart of.
Your own dear
Aunt Lizzie