Edgar's in England
Although no connection appears to exist between the Edgar’s of Ipswich and those derived from Wedderlie, it is curious that in a letter of the Secretary James Edgar to his nephew, he recommends the latter, not to omit visiting his namesake at Ipswich. It is, therefore, evident that he recognised some common origin If any such origin can be suggested, it must be dated back to the thirteenth century at the latest.
The Edgar’s of Bristol, in the latter part of the seventeenth, and throughout the eighteenth century, were certainly of Scottish extraction. It has been suggested that they were -a branch of the Edgar’s of Dunse, but it is more probable that they sprang from the Edgar’s of Peffermyln
The following narrative concerning the Edgar’s of Glenham and Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, is transcribed from the family register of the house, commenced in 1641 by Thomas Edgar Esq. of North Glenham.
This register, coming to my-this 7th day of December, 1734, is a transcript of my mother, Mrs Mary Edgar, widow, and relict of Thomas Edgar, Esq., my father, Recorder, therein transcribed for perpetuity.
“Philip Powle was born 24th February, 1582, and am 49, if live to the 24th February, 1631”
“Mary Powle, my wife, was born 2 day of December, 1590, if she lives to the 2nd day of December 1631, she will be 41 years old”
"Our daughter, Mary Powle, was born 27 December, 1616, if she lives to the 2nd December, she will be 15 years old”
(1) Philip Edgar, eldest child of Thomas Edgar Esq. and Mary his wife, was born at Muzell Hill in the parish of Hansey in the county of Middlesex 29 day of July 1636, after 3 in the afternoon, and baptized 5 August in my house. Philip died of a dropsy, 21 June 1654 at 6 at night, buried in the Tower Chancel in Ipswich on Sunday 23 Jan. 1654.
(2) Thomas, 2nd son of Thomas and Mary Edgar was born in St. Thomas the Apostle, London, Monday, 1st October 1638, quarter past seven in the morning. Baptized 10th October, died of a consumption 25 May 1641, buried in the parish church of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London.
(3) Mary Edgar, 3rd child or eldest daughter born Sept. 19 1641, before six at night, baptized on the 29th of the same month at St. Mary Tower in Ipswich, she died of the rickets, May 24 1643, buried in St. 'Mary Tower church 26 May 1643.
(4) Elisabeth Edgar, 4th child and 2nd daughter, born Wednesday Feb. 15 1642, at half past ten in the morning, baptized last day of Feb 1642, in Tower Church, died of a consumption 8 o'clock at night 19 June 1659. Buried 21 June 1659 in the Tower Church, Ipswich.
(5) Thomas Edgar, 5th child and 3rd son, born Wednesday 13 March 1646, at half past nine at night in the Tower parish and died at the Red House in St. Margaret's Parish. He was baptized 21 May, 1646, and buried in St. Mary Tower church 6 Dec 1677, of small-pox.
(6) Robert Edgar, 6th child, born Saturday 27th April 1650, quarter of an hour before 12 at noon, in Tower parish, baptized in my hands in the same church 30th April 1650, died of small-pox 30 of June.
(7) Devereux Edgar, 5th son and 7th child, born Monday Oct 20th 1651 at eleven at noon in Tower parish Ipswich, baptized 28 of same month in Tower Church Ipswich, which said Devereux, by the blessing of Almighty God, is the transcriber of these births and burials, without the assistance of any artificial optics, being in the 84th year of my age.
(8) Mary Edgar, 8th child and 3rd daughter, was born on Sunday 21 May 1654, at a quarter before nine at night, and was baptized the next day, being Monday (in my house) the 22nd, and died of a looseness and vomiting 17 April 1661, at five in the morning and buried in St Mary Tower chancel 18 April 1661.
(9) Katherine Edgar, the 9th child and 4th daughter, was born on Thursday, the 8th of June 1656, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, and was baptized the same day at my house in Tower parish, by Mr. Frensham, minister of the same parish; she died single, 1 0 November 17 18, aged 63, buried in the chancel of the parish of St. Mary Tower, in the vault, there built by my brother, Dev. Edgar, Esq.
(10) Frances Edgar, the 10th child, born on Monday 23rd August 1659, at seven at night, baptized the 26th by Mr. Beek, vicar of St. Margaret's Ipswich. The said Frances was cut for the stone in the bladder 24 December 1667 by Mr. Robert Gouling, surgeon, in the presence of the Right Honourable Leicester, Viscount Hereford, and old Dr. Wollaston. The stone when taken from her weighed one ounce and half. She was eight years and four months of age when cut, and lived after cutting all her life after in good health without pain or any stoppage or difficulty of urine, and died at St. Mary Tower parish, in Grimstone House, and buried in a vault in the South East side of the Chancel of the Church of the parish, in the vault which Devereux Edgar Esq. made for a repository or conservatory for the family of the Edgar’s, which said Frances died single, 6th day of April in the 76th year of her age, and was buried the 19th of June.