Alan Edgar
No: 2578
Rank: Private
Unit: 9th Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 16th August 1915
Place of embarkation: Brisbane
Ship embarked on: HMAT Kyarra
Age: 25
Occupation before war: Commission Agent
Address: Mount Morgan, Queensland
Enlisted: 10th June 1915
Next of kin: John Edgar (father) Portadown, Northern Ireland
Religion: Church of England
Alexander Douglas Edgar
No: 6806
Rank: Private
Unit: 1st Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 8th November 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: SS Port Nicholson
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Farmer
Address: 259 Birrell Street, Bondi, Sydney, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 5th August 1916
Next of kin: Mrs S. Edgar (mother) 259 Birrell Street, Bondi
Religion: Methodist
Allan Edgar
No: 18
Rank: Lance Corporal
Unit: 30th Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 9th November 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Beltana
Age: 24
Occupation before war: Accountant
Address: “Glen Lynn” Wyalong Street, Burwood, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 27th June 1915
Next of kin: Thomas Edgar (father) Wyalong Street, Burwood, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
Bertram Kinmand Edgar
No: 2
Rank: Warrant Officer
Unit: No 1 Mining Corps
Date of embarkation: 20th February 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ulysses
Age: 39
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: Milton, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 30th July 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Alice Eunice Edgar (wife), Milton, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
Bingley Haslam Edgar
No: 13019
Rank: Corporal
Unit: Auxiliary Transport Company
Date of embarkation: 22nd December 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Persic (A34)
Age: 30
Occupation before war: Auctioneer
Address: 6 Beach Avenue, Elwood, Victoria
Enlisted: 28th June 1916
Next of kin: Mrs Elizabeth A. Edgar (wife), 6 Beach Avenue, Elwood
Religion: Methodist
Cuthbert Emerson Edgar
No: 2318
Rank: Private
Unit: 6 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 17th June 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wandilla (A62)
Age: 26
Occupation before war: Draper
Address: Scarsdale, Victoria
Enlisted: 6th February 1915
Next of kin: Mrs I. M. Edgar (wife) Scarsdale, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
Notes: Previously served as No: 1443 in 3rd Battalion
David Harold Edgar
No: 2628
Rank: Private
Unit: 18th Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 2nd November 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Euripides (A14)
Age: 24
Occupation before war: Contractor
Address: P. O. Queenbayen
Enlisted: 2nd August 1915
Next of kin: D. Edgar (father), Dimboola, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
David Ralph Henderson Edgar
No: 6264
Rank: Corporal
Unit: 6 Infantry Brigade Train, 16 Company Army Service Corps
Date of embarkation: 22nd May 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Afric (A19)
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Blacksmith
Address: Mingenew, Western Australia
Enlisted: 22nd March 1915
Next of kin: D. Edgar (father), Glen Innes, N.S.W.
Religion: Methodist
Douglas Edgar
No: 19975
Rank: Gunner
Unit: 8th Field Artillery Brigade
Date of embarkation: 20th May 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Medic (A)
Age: 20
Occupation before war: Farm Manager
Address: Strathalbyn, Gin Gin, Western Australia
Enlisted: 14th January 1916
Next of kin: A. Edgar (father), Strathalbyn, Western Australia
Religion: Presbyterian
Ernest Edmund Edgar
No: 2297
Rank: Private
Unit: 3rd Pioneer Battalion
Date of embarkation: 18th September 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Karroo (A10)
Age: 43
Occupation before war: Prospector
Address: Robertstone P.O., South Australia
Enlisted: 20th March 1916
Next of kin: Nelly Edgar (sister), Hartley Street, Durham, England
Religion: Church of England
Ernest Leslie Edgar
No: 311
Rank: Corporal
Unit: 1 Divisional Train, Army Service Corps
Date of embarkation: 18th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: Afric (A19)
Age: 26
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: 25 Army Service Corps, Newcastle, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 19th August 1914
Next of kin: Mrs P. McCarthy (sister), N.S.W.
Religion: Methodist
Frederick Edgar
No: 551
Rank: Private
Unit: 6 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 19th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Hororata (A20)
Age: 19
Occupation before war: Boot Operator
Address: 4 Rae Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria
Enlisted: 17th August 1914
Next of kin: Mrs Edgar (mother), 4 Rae Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
George Cron Edgar
No: 86
Rank: Private
Unit: 3 Infantry Battalion, Naval and Military Forces, Special Tropical Corps
Date of embarkation: 28th November 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: SS Eastern
Age: 32
Occupation before war: Engine Fitter
Enlisted: 5th November 1914
Next of kin: Agnes Edgar (mother) 10 Leyton Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland
Religion: Presbyterian
George Cron Edgar
No: 1943
Rank: Private
Unit: 37 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 16th August 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: RMS Orontes
Age: 33
Occupation before war: Tea Planter
Address: 12 Union Street, Richmond, Victoria
Enlisted: 7th February 1916
Next of kin: Agnes Edgar (mother), 10 Leyton Gradens, Glasgow, Scotland
Religion: Presbyterian
George Keith Rutherford Edgar
No: 30482
Rank: Gunner
Unit: 8 Field Artillery Brigade
Date of embarkation: 23rd November 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Hororata (A20)
Age: 22
Occupation before war: Railway Fireman
Address: Stony Point, Victoria
Enlisted: 4th March 1916
Next of kin: T. G. Edgar (father), Berrigan, N.S.W.
Religion: Presbyterian
Notes: Acting Bombardier
George Sneddon Edgar
No: 872
Rank: Private
Unit: 39 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 27th May 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ascanius (A11)
Age: 41
Occupation before war: Painter
Address: 1 Victoria Parade, Fritzroy, Victoria
Enlisted: 17th February 1916
Next of kin: William Edgar (father), Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Religion: Church of England
George William Edgar
No: 21215
Rank: Gunner
Unit: 9 Field Artillery Brigade
Date of embarkation: 11th May 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Argyllshire (A8)
Age: 20
Occupation before war: Chauffer
Address: 31 Irvine Street, Springhill, Brisbane, Queensland
Enlisted: 15th November 1915
Next of kin: Mrs M. D. Edgar (wife), Musgrave Parade, Brisbane, Queensland
Religion: Church of England
Gordon Edgar
No: 538
Rank: Private
Unit: 12 Light Horse Regiment
Date of embarkation: 13th June 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suevic (A29)
Age: 29
Occupation before war: Farmer
Address: “Hanow” Ootha Siding, Bogan Gate, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 22nd January 1915
Next of kin: John Edgar (father), “Hanow” Ootha Siding, Bogan Gate, N.S.W.
Religion: Presbyterian
Harold Stanley Edgar
No: 67
Rank: Private
Unit: 20 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 25th June 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Berrima (A35)
Age: 19
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: 8 Maitland Road, Islington, Newcastle, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 18th March 1915
Next of kin: Edward James Edgar (father), 8 Maitland Road, Islington
Religion: Church of England
Harry Dudley Edgar
No: 4062
Rank: Private
Unit: 28 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 1st April 1916
Place of embarkation: Freemantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ulysses (A38)
Age: 18
Occupation before war: Salesman
Address: North Perth, Western Australia
Enlisted: 6th January 1916
Next of kin: David Edgar (father), 61 Angrove Street, North Perth
Religion: Presbyterian
Notes: Acting sergeant
Ian Swan Edgar
No: 2804
Rank: Private
Unit: Camel Corps
Date of embarkation: 22nd May 1917
Place of embarkation: Fremantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Boorara (A42)
Age: 27
Occupation before war: Bookkeeper
Address: Mornington, Victoria
Enlisted: 10th January 1917
Next of kin: John Thomas Edgar (father), “Arrunga” Mornington, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
James Edgar
No: 3646
Rank: Private
Unit: 57 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 28th February 1918
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Nestor (A71)
Age: 36
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: Melbourne, Victoria
Enlisted: 15th December 1917
Next of kin: Miss C. Edgar (sister), 14 Charles Street, St. Kilda, Victoria
Religion: Methodist
James Edgar
No: 6461
Rank: Private
Unit: 10 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 23rd October 1916
Place of embarkation: Adelaide
Ship embarked on: HMAT Port Melbourne (A16)
Age: 20
Occupation before war: Steward
Address: Goodwood, South Australia
Enlisted: 3rd December 1915
Next of kin: Mrs S. A. Edgar (mother), 66 Mitchell Street, Goodwood
Religion: Presbyterian
Notes: Acting corporal
James Edgar
No: 843
Rank: Private
Unit: 19 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 15th June 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ceramic (A40)
Age: 25
Occupation before war: Farm Labourer
Address: Gask Farm, Letham, Forfarshire, Scotland
Enlisted: 12thebruary 1915
Next of kin: John Edgar (father), Gask Farm, Letham, Forfarshire, Scotland
Religion: Presbyterian
James Edgar
No: 1852
Rank: Private
Unit: 4 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 17th March 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Shropshire (A9)
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Civil Engineer
Address: 50 Canning Street, North Melbourne, Victoria
Enlisted: 29th December 1914
Next of kin: Mrs M. Edgar (wife), 50 Canning Street, North Melbourne
Religion: Roman Catholic
James Leslie Edgar
No: 9634
Rank: Private
Unit: 6th Field Ambulance
Date of embarkation: 7th March 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wiltshire (A18)
Age: 22
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: “Roseville” Alma Road, Caulfield
Enlisted: 6th July 1915
Next of kin: James F. Edgar (father), “Roseville” Alma Road, Caulfield
Religion: Presbyterian
John Edgar
No: 1748
Rank: Private
Unit: 7 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 14th April 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wiltshire (A18)
Age: 25
Occupation before war: Labourer
Enlisted: 5th January 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Edgar (mother), Tocumwal, N.S.W.
Religion: Presbyterian
John Edgar
No: 2149
Rank: Private
Unit: 20 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 30th September 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Argyllshire (A8)
Age: 26
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: Wyalong Street, Burwood, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 27th June 1915
Next of kin: T. F. Edgar (father), Wyalong Street, Burwood, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
John Edgar
No: 20327
Rank: Sapper
Unit: 1 Divisional Signal Company
Date of embarkation: 21st November 1917
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Nestor (A71)
Age: 29
Occupation before war: Mechanic
Address: 3 Tiernan Street, Footscray, Victoria
Enlisted: 26th July 1917
Next of kin: Alexander Edgar (father), Conundrum, Berwick, Scotland
Religion: Presbyterian
John Edgar
No: 5770
Rank: Private
Unit: 1 Pioneer Battalion
Date of embarkation: 8th May 1918
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: RMS Osterley
Age: 37
Occupation before war: Mechanic
Address: Geelong, Victoria
Enlisted: 4th September 1917
Next of kin: A. S. Edgar (wife), 23 Little Meyers Street, Geelong, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
John Edgar
No: 6797
Rank: Private
Unit: 19 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 16th July 1917
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Port Melbourne (A16)
Age: 32
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: Burwood, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 23rd April 1917
Next of kin: Emma Edgar (mother), care of A. J. Donovan, Liverpool Road, Burwood
Religion: Church of England
John Burgess Edgar
No: 4926
Rank: Private
Unit: 1 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 8th March 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Star of England (A15)
Age: 40
Occupation before war: Farmer
Address: Condobolin, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 20th August 1915
Next of kin: J. Edgar (father), “Harrow” Ootha Siding, Condobolin, N.S.W.
Religion: Presbyterian
John Harold Edgar
No: 739
Rank: Gunner
Unit: 1st Field Artillery Brigade
Date of embarkation: 18th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Argyllshire (A8)
Age: 27
Occupation before war: Soldier
Address: Maribyrnong Barracks, Victoria
Enlisted: 15th October 1914
Next of kin: Sarah Edgar (mother) 59 Charlton St, Farnworth, Lancashire, England
Religion: Church of England
John Matheson Edgar
Rank: Major
Unit: 6 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 19th February 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Runic (A54)
Age: 34
Occupation before war: Science Master
Address: 16 Lunan Avenue, Geelong, Victoria
Enlisted: 16th January 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Edgar (wife) 16 Lunan Avenue, Geelong, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
John Renwick Edgar
No: 2650
Rank: Private
Unit: 20 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 2nd November 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Euripides (A14)
Age: 36
Occupation before war: Station Manager
Address: Lachlan Street, Forbes, New South Wales
Enlisted: 20th July 1915
Next of kin: W. Edgar (father) Guntagong, Cootamundra, N.S.W.
Religion: Presbyterian
John Wilfred Edgar
No: 860
Rank: Corporal
Unit: 9 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 24th September 1914
Place of embarkation: Brisbane
Ship embarked on: HMAT Omrah (A5)
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Saddler
Address: Telford Street, Rockhampton, Queensland
Enlisted: 24th August 1914
Next of kin: John Edgar (father) Telford Street, Rockhampton, Queensland
Religion: Presbyterian
John Wilson Edgar
No: 714
Rank: Private
Unit: 3 Machine Gun Company
Date of embarkation: 21st June 1917
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suevic (A29)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Farmer
Address: Care of F. A. Rankin, Treborne, Ingham, North Queensland
Enlisted: 19th January 1917
Next of kin: Miss M. Siebewright, Norfolk War Hospital, Thortue, Norwich, England
Religion: Presbyterian
Leslie Edgar
No: 62799
Rank: Private
Unit: 16 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 29th October 1918
Place of embarkation: Fremantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Boonah (A36)
Age: 22
Occupation before war: Postman
Address: Fremantle, Western Australia
Enlisted: 17th October 1916
Next of kin: M. Edgar (father) address unknown. Mrs M. Scott (grandmother) Artana, Dromara, Ireland.
Religion: Presbyterian
Leslie Edgar
No: 2634
Rank: Private
Unit: 27 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 27th October 1915
Place of embarkation: Adelaide
Ship embarked on: HMAT Benalla (A24)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: 4 Randley Street, Adelaide, South Australia
Enlisted: 28th July 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Jane Edgar (mother) Cadler Creek, South Australia
Religion: Congregational
Leslie Corben Edgar
No: 7234
Rank: Private
Unit: 14 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 19th February 1917
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ballarat (A70)
Age: 31
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: Prahran, Victoria
Enlisted: 31st October 1916
Next of kin: Mrs E. Edgar (mother) 115 Williams Road, East Prahran, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
Leslie Garnet Edgar
No: 2818
Rank: Private
Unit: 37 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 16 December 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Medic (A7)
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Steam hammer driver
Address: 2 Leila Street, Prahran, Victoria
Enlisted: 19th September 1916
Next of kin: Alexander Edgar (father) 2 Leila Street, Prahran, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
Lynn Bracewell Edgar
No: 2624
Rank: Private
Unit: 23 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 27th October 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ulysses (A38)
Age: 19
Occupation before war: Station overseer
Address: Guntegong, Brawlin Sidings, Cootamundra, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 11th October 1915
Next of kin: H. J. Edgar (father) Evans Plains, Bathhurst, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
Otho Swan Edgar
No: 650
Rank: Private
Unit: 9 Light Horse Regiment
Date of embarkation: 11th February 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Karroo (A10)
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Station hand
Address: “Arrunga”, Mornington, Victoria
Enlisted: 17th December 1914
Next of kin: John Thomas Edgar, “Arrunga”, Mornington, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
Percival Ernest Edgar
No: 1942
Rank: Private
Unit: 2 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 10th April 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Kyarra (A55)
Age: 30
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: 189 Evans Street, Rozelle, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 13th January 1915
Next of kin: Mrs M. Edgar (mother) 189 Evans Street, Rozelle, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
Percy James Edgar
No: 1111
Rank: Private
Unit: 36 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 13th May 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Beltana (A72)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: 8 Maitland Road, Islington, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 13th March 1916
Next of kin: Elizabeth Jane Edgar (mother) 8 Maitland Road, Islington, N.S.W.
Religion: Church of England
Robert Edgar
No: 1188
Rank: Private
Unit: 17 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 12th May 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Themistocles (A32)
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Cook
Address: Bridge Street, Brackley, Maithants, England
Enlisted: 7th March 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Catherine Edgar (mother) Bridge Street, Brackley, England
Religion: Methodist
Robert Douglas Edgar
No: 325
Rank: Private
Unit: 42 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 5th June 1916
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Borda (A30)
Age: 24
Occupation before war: Fireman
Address: Rockhampton, Queensland
Enlisted: 15th November 1915
Next of kin: William Edgar (father) Saddler, William Street, Rockhampton
Religion: Presbyterian
Robert John Edgar
No: 7246
Rank: Private
Unit: 8 Field Ambulance
Date of embarkation: 10th November 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ascanius (A11)
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Coppersmith
Address: Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 30th April 1915
Next of kin: Alice Edgar (wife) 31 Forbes Street, Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W.
Religion: Methodist
Robert Linton Edgar
No: 10843
Rank: Driver
Unit: 3 Divisional Train
Date of embarkation: 3rd June 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Persic (A34)
Age: 31
Occupation before war: Timber broker
Address: Cr. Kooyong and Malvern Roads, Malvern, Victoria
Enlisted: 6th January 1916
Next of kin: E. A. Edgar (wife) Cr. Kooyong and Malvern Roads, Malvern
Religion: Presbyterian
Ronald Swan Edgar
No: 108
Rank: Private
Unit: 10 Light Horse Regiment
Date of embarkation: 8th February 1915
Place of embarkation: Fremantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Mashobra (A47)
Age: 27
Occupation before war: Stockman
Address: Mornington, Victoria
Enlisted: 19th October 1914
Next of kin: John Thomas Edgar (father) Mornington, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
Samuel John Edgar
No: 7839
Rank: Private
Unit: 15 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 31st October 1917
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Euripides (A14)
Age: 27
Occupation before war: Lengthsman
Address: Mackey, Queensland
Enlisted: 8th September 1917
Next of kin: B. I. Edgar (wife) Tenneyson, Street, Mackey, Queensland
Religion: Presbyterian
Stanley Edgar
No: 842
Rank: Private
Unit: 31 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 9th November 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wandilla (A62)
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Carrier
Address: 604 Smith Street, Clifton Hill, Melbourne
Enlisted: 8th July 1915
Next of kin: Mary Edgar (mother) 604 Smith Street, Clifton Hill, Melbourne
Religion: Church of England
Stewart Edgar
No: 19
Rank: Private
Unit: 8 Infantry Brigade Headquarters
Date of embarkation: 10th November 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ascanius (A11)
Age: 19
Occupation before war: Lift assistant
Address: 154 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria
Enlisted: 7 July 1915
Next of kin: F. Edgar (father) 154 Albert Road, South Melbourne
Religion: Congregationalist
Stuart Halbert Edgar
No: 1349
Rank: Private
Unit: 1 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 11 February 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Seang Bee (A48)
Age: 24
Occupation before war: Book keeper
Address: 45 Woodville Street, North Perth, Western Australia
Enlisted: 27th October 1914
Next of kin: Annie Mary Edgar (mother) 45 Woodville Street, North Perth
Religion: Presbyterian
Thomas Edgar
No: 842
Rank: Private
Unit: 2 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 18th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suffolk (A23)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Labourer
Enlisted: 19th August 1914
Next of kin: Mrs W. Edgar (mother) Dornick, Scotland
Religion: Church of England
Thomas Edgar
No: 1633
Rank: Private
Unit: 7 Light Horse Regiment
Date of embarkation: 18th November 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Persic (A34)
Age: 21
Occupation before war: Stockman
Address: 210 Marrickville Road, Marrickville, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 12th September 1915
Next of kin: Mrs Sarah Neener (mother) 210 Marrickville Road, Marrickville
Religion: Presbyterian
Thomas Douglas Edgar
No: 5435
Rank: Driver
Unit: 5 Field Company Engineers
Date of embarkation: 17th December 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Berrima (A35)
Age: 35
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: 185 Esplande West, Port Melbourne, Victoria
Enlisted: 9th July 1915
Next of kin: Marion Robertson (aunt) 185 Esplande West, Port Melbourne
Religion: Presbyterian
Wallace Edgar
No: 11945
Rank: Gunner
Unit: 1 Divisional Ammunition Column
Date of embarkation: 28th January 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Themistocles (A32)
Age: 22
Occupation before war: Horse shipper
Address: 154 Albert Road, Albert Park, Victoria
Enlisted: 28th December 1915
Next of kin: F. W. Edgar (father) 154 Albert Road, Albert Park, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
Wallace Edgar
No: 2654
Rank: Private
Unit: 16 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 2nd September 1915
Place of embarkation: Fremantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Anchises (A68)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Shop assistant
Address: Angrove Street, North Perth, Western Australia
Enlisted: 21st June 1915
Next of kin: D. Edgar (father) Angrove Street, North Perth, W.A.
Religion: Presbyterian
Walter Edgar
No: 10029
Rank: Private
Unit: 6th Field Ambulance
Date of embarkation: 30th March 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suffolk (A23)
Age: 24
Occupation before war: Clerk
Address: Murray Street, Colac, Victoria
Enlisted: 9th July 1915
Next of kin: James Finlay Edgar (father) “Roseville” Alma Road, Caulfield
Religion: Presbyterian
Walter Edmund Swan Edgar
No: 676
Rank: Private
Unit: 8 Light Horse Regiment
Date of embarkation: 25th February 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Star of Victoria (A16)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Grazier
Address: Arrunga, Mornington, Victoria
Enlisted: 9th February 1915
Next of kin: Mrs J. T. Edgar, Arrunga, Mornington, Victoria
Religion: Presbyterian
William Edgar
No: 2475
Rank: Driver
Unit: Divisional Ammunition Column
Date of embarkation: 18th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Argyllshire (A8)
Age: 27
Occupation before war: Engine driver
Enlisted: 9th September 1914
Next of kin: Mrs Edgar (mother) L’Avenue, Newtown, Sydney, N.S.W.
Religion: Methodist
William Edgar
No: 10
Rank: Corporal
Unit: 10 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 20th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Adelaide
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ascanius (A11)
Age: 36
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: Glanville Blocks, Semaphore, South Australia
Enlisted: 19th August 1914
Next of kin: Miss C. Edgar (sister) Military Road, Glanville Blocks
Religion: Presbyterian
William Edgar
No: 733
Rank: Private
Unit: 18 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 25th June 1915
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ceramic (A40)
Age: 31
Occupation before war: Ship steward
Address: Care of Mrs E. Edgar, Ide Hill, Seven Oaks, Kent, England
Enlisted: 22nd January 1915
Next of kin: Mrs E. Edgar (mother) Ide Hill, Seven Oaks, Kent, England
Religion: Church of England
William Edgar
No: 421
Rank: Private
Unit: 3 Pioneer Battalion
Date of embarkation: 6th June 1916
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wandilla (A62)
Age: 43
Occupation before war: Butcher
Address: Cook Street, Tempe, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 12th January 1916
Next of kin: Matilda Edgar (wife) care of Mrs Wicks, “Maratana,” Stanley Street, Richmond, Victoria
Religion: Church of England
William George David Edgar
No: 2374
Rank: Private
Unit: 14 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 10th August 1915
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: RMS Persia
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Miner
Address: Chiltern, Victoria
Enlisted: 10th May 1915
Next of kin: James Edgar (father) Chiltern, Victoria
Religion: Presbterian
William John Edgar
No: 38
Rank: Private
Unit: 2 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 18th October 1914
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suffolk (A23)
Age: 23
Occupation before war: Butcher
Address: Care of Mrs W. A. Miller, 3 Knigth Street, Erskineville, Sydney
Enlisted: 17th August 1914
Next of kin: Edgar (father) 101 Tune Street, Christchurch, New Zealand
Religion: Roman Catholic
William Robert Edgar
No: 6783
Rank: Private
Unit: 20 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 21st June 1917
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Suevic (A29)
Age: 28
Occupation before war: Labourer
Address: Brisbane, Queensland
Enlisted: 18th October 1916
Next of kin: Ellen Edgar (wife) care of Mrs Chapman, 19 Herbert Street, Spring Hill, Brisbane, Queensland
Religion: Church of England
William Robert Brien Edgar
No: 7368
Rank: Private
Unit: 13 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 7th February 1917
Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Wiltshire (A18)
Age: 24
Occupation before war: School teacher
Address: Bondi, N.S.W.
Enlisted: 5 August 1916
Next of kin: S. J. Edgar (mother) Care of Mrs Beddie, Imperial Avenue, Bondi
Religion: Methodist
Wolverton Edgar
No: 535
Rank: Private
Unit: 11 Infantry Battalion
Date of embarkation: 2nd November 1914
Place of embarkation: Fremantle
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ascanius (A11)
Age: 36
Occupation before war: Lumper
Address: Bunbury, Western Australia
Enlisted: 10th September 1914
Next of kin: J. Edgar (brother) Police Depot, Great Billing, Hants, England
Religion: Church of England